Home Page

Are you from the New England area and want to connect more to your local furry community?
Then look no further!

This website is your one stop shop for all things furry of New England!

Check out our events calandar where various NE meets and other fun events are scheduled, You can submit one here!

Check out various artists of New England, whether they're an illustrator or a fursuit crafter, we've got a lot of talented folks! You can apply to be on the list here!

Check out other New England furry communities! You can add yours to this list here!

Or, even come join our Discord where you can

- Share art you've made
- Show off fursuits or other crafts
- Play games with others
- Attend movie nights
- Attend game nights
- Or, just hang out with local furries!

There's a lot of fun that can be had here so we hope you enjoy your stay!

Please note, our discord is an adult only community.

(Explicit material is not our focus, we just prefer to have members over 18.)

However, our socials and this website remain open to all ages, and we may have links to groups that are minor friendly!

The only things that are age-gated, are our Discord server, our Artists of NE applications & potential irl events.

States that are part of New England




New Hampshire

Rhode Island


| Guestbook

Come leave a message on our guestbook!